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Floor the computer

Abha Chaudhary

If you have applied for a job you must have created your resume correctly. Resume writing recommendations have changed in recent times. Etiquette evolves and these  guidelines have evolved too .It’s an interesting realisation that resume and cover letters are the most frequently read or scanned  by computers, meaning they are no longer read by humans. So, while the old idea was that you would create a resume that sold yourself that had an almost advertising perspective or focus to it, now the cover letter should be read effectively by the computer. 

So the suggestion is that you tailor each covering letter or resume in a very specific way to match as many key words in the resume to those in the job description, so the computer can select your resume during the scanning process and identify you as a good candidate for the interview. So, do update your skills in this age of technology because the rules have changed indeed.

Fortify yourself with info 

The final thing to keep in mind is that as you approach the interview process you must realise that you are shifting cultures. For a college graduate it’s important to know that the corporate culture is very different, the appreciation for timeliness is very different in the workplace than in the college perhaps. In college, the teachers are your allies, they are there to help you but in the corporate world the interviewer is not your ally. Their focus is more on the organisation than your success. It’s a good idea to do a research on the acceptable codes of conduct and dress. 

Make it to the semi-final

Make sure you are aware of the arena that you are going to enter. So, let’s assume that your resume has been selected to be involved in the interview process. Congratulations! Now it’s common in this age to first go through a telephone interview. This is like the semi-finals. 

Know your company

Now you must research some background information of the company–about its mission, its corpus and the profile of the position you are being interviewed for and your performance expectations. 

You might also research the interviewer or interviewers involved in the dialogue from the company networking sites, so you could connect well with them. The next point to consider is the time of the interview, schedule it to the time that suits you–they might suggest a time but don’t feel obliged to agree to it. 

Do away with distractions 

The interview must ideally be done in the privacy of your home so make sure to keep all distractions away. You must have your resume in front of you and keep a paper and pen to note important information. 

Impress with your voice 

So, you really want to maximise your impact. It’s time to excel in your conversation, because your tone of voice is the most important component. It’s wise to stand, walking while on the phone might distort your voice. Standing will also release your nervous energy. Smiling is also essential. As a voice coach I would recommend rehearsing and recording your voice before the interview. Project a confident voice to confirm the expectations set by your resume.

(Chaudhary is a Chandigarh-based image and style consultant)

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
Floor the computer Floor the computer Reviewed by Online News Services on April 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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