Ravi Kant
Hold your breath, before you opt for the last resort, i.e. steroids, in your treatment for respiratory problems. There are lot many remedies in homeopathy for the ailments of your lungs, from the very beginning in life till the old age. Age specific, environment and weather specific, particular disease specific drugs are available with a qualified doctor to treat you, to cure.
The biggest enigma in the field of medicine is the lack of awareness among public about the highest efficacy standards of this system of medicine. People should think of getting rid of this respiratory distress, once for all and not linger on the treatment to a point of no return.
What’s asthma?
Asthma is a common long-term inflammatory disease of the airways in lungs, obstruction of airflow and bronchospasm. Symptoms include coughing wheezing, tightness in chest and shortness of breath. This disease has its genesis in allergic manifestations of throat and chest, resulting in acute bronchitis and then repeated episodes of bronchial infections culminating into resultant form of disease known as asthma.
Suppressed discharges, repeated use of bronchodilators, relapses can lead to stages like ‘status asthmaticus, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis, COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, fibrosis in lungs and superimposed infections like tuberculosis and sometimes cancer. Precipitating causes can be genetic, allergens, pollution, weather and dietary.
This disease is diagnosed by proper case taking, blood tests - like total eosinophil count and spirometry test. Complications can be detected by CT-chest, etc. In chronic disease of lungs, biopsy may add to final diagnosis of the disease.
Homeopathy cures
Scientific approach and careful case taking, including family, occupational and origin of disease history, holds good in reaching a conclusive remedy for the patient. Homoeopathy has very specific medicines, keeping in mind, the weather or environmental hazards in the life of patient. Family history helps in giving inter-current doses to remove the obstacles in cure. Modalities of the disease, age of the patient and occupation also has a role in selection of the remedy. Expectorants, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilators, oxygen enhancing and age specific remedies are present in this system of medicine, for complete, permanent and painless annihilation of asthma.
(Dr Kant is a Chandigarh-based homeopath)
from The Tribune http://bit.ly/2Zs4weA
via Today’s News Headlines
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