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In love with herself

Gurnaaz Kaur

Her idea of fitness is being aware of what one consumes but more importantly being kind to yourself. Be it ethnic or western looks, Punjabi film actress Simi Chahal manages to look her pretty self in both. So, it’s natural to think that she must have truly worked hard for that body. To our surprise, she says there is no dieting or pushing the limits at gym. When it comes to fitness, her strength lies in the power of basics. Recently seen in Rabb Da Radio 2 and Manje Bistre 2, Simi gets candid about her love for all things sweets, must-haves in a day and lots more.

Fitness in her words 

I am a true believer of eating everything but the key lies in moderation. Over-doing is bad but depriving your body of food or starving to lose weight is even worse. One has to eat well to perform well. When you starve, the energy levels go down and you tend to be irritated. What is the point of having a slim body when there is no glow on your face? 

No gym for her

I do not go to the gym, nor do I following those strict diets. My workout consists of running in the outdoors at least five times a week or else on treadmill at home. Some basic stretches are also a part of my exercise routine, but that’s about it. Nothing too vigorous.

Day begins with

It’s  always a big glass of water first thing in the morning.

Food chart 

My breakfast mainly consists of almond milk, flakes with lots of fruits and berries. I replace milk with yogurt every now and then. Lunch is either two rotis or a bowl of rice with dal, sabzi, curd and salad. I keep my dinner light and mostly have soup, salad, curd and dal. I love grilled chicken and make sure to have it every alternate day.

Bournvita girl

I have to have my cold glass of milk with Bournvita. It’s a ritual since childhood and most likely will be forever. I am not into tea or coffee.

Sweet cravings? Oh, so many...

I have a big sweet tooth. I love rasmalai, rasgullas and all kinds of Indian sweets. I can kill a person for sweets. Jokes apart, even if it’s my weakness, I try to keep away from it. I am not much into cakes and chocolates and that’s a saving grace.

Fitness over figure

My focus is fitness. I am not fond of those ripped or skinny bodies. My goal is that when a girl sees me on the screen, she should see herself. I follow realistic goals and that’s what I want to convey to those girls too. Being a Punjabi, I love food and always will. Gaining and losing weight is part of the game. Being comfortable in your body, accepting your flaws is what makes one beautiful. On days when I feel I am chubby, I say so what? It’s a part of me and I love who I am.

Keep it simple

I am watchful of what I eat. I consume very less carbs and use healthy alternatives. For instance, I use quinoa, brown rice and brown sugar, skimmed milk, etc. I am a homemade food lover, so when it comes to eating out, I prefer sautéed veggies, choose avocado, corn salad in place of something too fried or greasy. I think these steps are enough to keep you in shape and healthy.

from The Tribune
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In love with herself In love with herself Reviewed by Online News Services on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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