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The Year Ahead

Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is on April 23 

On the career front, you will be going against all the odds. This will not be a good year to implement ambitious plans or expand your business. The year will be a delight to spend time with family, except for some minor issues. Although you are unlikely to suffer any major health problems, your constitution will not seem as robust as last year. You will have a good retentive capacity and very keen interest in academic pursuits. Those who are looking forward to going abroad will get success this year. Those looking for a partner will succeed. Expect a wide range of emotions with a romantic Venus connection. Sorting out complex feelings should be your priority.

Positive colours: Green and turquoise. 
Select days: Wednesday and Friday.
Favourable numbers: 5 and 6.
Gems recommended: Emerald and ruby.
Charity on birthday: Donate blood.

You share your birthday with Yana Gupta (April 23, 1979, Brno, Czechoslovakia), who began modelling in the mid-1990s. She made her big screen debut in the Bollywood movie Dum with the song Babuji Zara Dheere Chalo, which made her famous for item numbers.

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
The Year Ahead The Year Ahead Reviewed by Online News Services on April 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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