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4.5mn iPhone XRs shipped to N.America in Q1 2019


The iPhone XR was the most popular smartphone in North America during the first quarter (Q1) of 2019, with nearly 4.5 million units shipped, even as handset shipments declined 18 per cent year-on-year (YoY), according to Canalys Research estimates.

Smartphone shipments in North America plummeted to a five-year low of 36.4 million units, down from a record high of 44.4 million units shipped in Q1 2018.

The iPhone maker shipped 14.6 million devices in Q1 2019 in total, compared to 17.9 million devices shipped during Q1 2018. 

"Apple's fall in Q1 followed particularly high shipments of flagship iPhones in the previous quarter," Vincent Thielke, Analyst, Canalys Research, said in a statement.

"But there was a disconnect between channel orders and consumer demand, which then caused early shipments in Q1 to be challenging for Apple." Despite the decline, the company managed to maintain 40 per cent market share in North America, one of the regions where it sees strong performance. 

The next best was Samsung's Galaxy S10+ and S10e, which reached two million units, or six per cent, each.

"Samsung also benefited from carrier promotions in Q1, which used the Galaxy S10e as an incentive," said Thielke.

Samsung, with a 29.3 per cent market share, shipped 10.7 million devices, LG 4.8 million devices and Lenovo shipped 2.4 million devices. — IANS

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
4.5mn iPhone XRs shipped to N.America in Q1 2019 4.5mn iPhone XRs shipped to N.America in Q1 2019 Reviewed by Online News Services on May 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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