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Bend over backwards in office


In today’s stressful times, work-life balance is the need of the hour. Yoga can be the perfect approach to achieve this synergy, as physical, mental and emotional health is the key to a harmonious lifestyle. 

The pressure of work and hectic life can take its toll on the mind and can result in multiple health issues. It is, hence, best recommended to maintain a work environment where an individual is taught how to manage or cope with stress in a natural way. Yoga fits the bill perfectly. 

Yoga is easily adaptable. Some of the basic asanas can even be performed in office, even at our work stations. It offers many advantages:

  • It can easily fit into the everyday routine.
  • When practised at work, the mind begins to relax and accept the space as a comfort zone, hence removing any negativity.
  • You don’t have to go to a gym or a yoga studio.
  • It creates a positive mindset and enhances brain activity.
  • Yoga at workplace can enhance an individual’s performance by bringing serenity and peace of mind.
  • It creates a bond among peers, creating a healthy work environment.
  • It provides a break to the mind and body to refresh and rejuvenate.
  • It teaches the mind the importance of a calm and composed outlook towards work.

Thus, practice of yoga can be adapted to any place and can be done at any time. 

To begin with start with the gentle practice of sukshma vyayam or gentle warm-up exercises/stretches. Start by flexing your toes and continue to mobilise every muscle and joint on your way up till you reach the neck.

Here are a few simple asanas that can easily be performed right at your desk.


  • Stand up straight with your feet together.
  • Allow your arms to hang naturally.
  • Distribute your body weight equally on your legs.
  • Close your eyes and try to maintain your balance.
  • Ensure that your back remains straight.
  • Breathe normally.


  • Begin with samasthithi.
  • Extend your arms upwards.
  • Your fingers must point upwards and palms should face each other.
  • Inhale as you extend your arms over your head and ensure that your back remains straight.
  • Balance in this posture.


  • Begin with samasthithi.
  • Inhale as you extend your arms upwards.
  • Now, exhale and empty your stomach of air as you bend your upper body forward.
  • Place your palms flat on the floor, on either side of your feet.
  • Your upper body must be parallel to your lower body.
  • Ensure that your knees have a slight bend and your back remains straight.
  • Look at your toes.


  • Stand straight.
  • Bend your right leg and bring the sole of your right foot towards your inner thigh.
  • Place the sole of your foot as high up on your inner thigh as possible.
  • Ensure that your heel is upward (towards your pelvis) and your toes are pointing to the floor.
  • Join palms in pranam mudra and place it over your heart chakra.
  • Once you achieve your balance, close your eyes and breathe normally.


  • Stand straight with your feet together.
  • Extend your arms upwards with your palms facing each other.
  • Gently tilt your upper body at your pelvis.
  • Bend your upper body forward until it is parallel to the ground.
  • Ensure that your arms remain extended and your back is straight.
  • Exhale as you bend forward.

Pranayam and meditation are essential techniques to stabilise the mind and emotions. Taking regular intervals at work to practise breathing and meditation can help calm the mind and refresh the senses.

These practices can make your work life harmonious, productive and enjoyable.


  • From samasthithi, raise your arms upwards.
  • Interlock your fingers and allow your palms to face the sky.
  • Stretch as much as possible and ensure your back remains straight.

— The writer is founder, Akshar Yoga Academy, Bengaluru

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
Bend over backwards in office Bend over backwards in office Reviewed by Online News Services on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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