Dipti Kalwani’s Ek Brahm — Sarvagun Sampanna has veteran actors like Parikshit Sahni and seasoned actors like Ayub Khan and Nasirr Khan. Interestingly, there is a common link between these three actors. Their fathers; Nasirr Khan’s father Johnny Walker, Ayub Khan’s father Nasir Khan and Parikshit Sahani’s father Balraj Sahni have worked together in the past. Talking about the bond between their fathers, Nasirr says, “My father has worked with Balraj Sahni sahab and Nasir Khan in a film titled Jawab in 1955 and after 64 years, the sons are working together. Balraj Sahniji actually took my father to Dev Anand’s Navketan Films and that’s how my father got in touch with Dev Anand sahab.”
from The Tribune http://bit.ly/2VLl7Mp
via Today’s News Headlines
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