Celebrities have to be extra careful while choosing their red carpet outfits. Bollywood actors turned the fashion quotient a notch higher this year at the Cannes Film Festival. From appearing in stunning ball gowns to mixing it up, actresses like Deepika Padukone, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Sonam Kapoor did not disappoint. Well, a stylist has now reacted to a website’s article on one of Aishwarya’s Cannes looks. The website claimed that Aishwarya and her team of stylists copied Sonam Kapoor’s Cannes look from 2016.
Ash, who has been a regular at the Cannes, had worn a metallic blue Rimzim Dadu outfit that had a similar colour palette to that of Sonam’s 2016 attire. The report claimed that Aishwarya’s outfit was ‘eerily similar to Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s metal wire Cannes saree from the same designer’. One of Aishwarya’s stylists Reann Moradian replied to the report by taking to her Instagram story as she wrote, “No, boo. This isn’t the same outfit. How about you wait for full-length images to come out before making assumptions?”
from The Tribune http://bit.ly/2WxCL5X
via Today’s News Headlines
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