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No ‘My Lord’, ‘Your Lordship’ at Raj HC

Jodhpur, July 15

In a first for any high court, the Rajasthan High Court has asked lawyers to abandon the colonial practice of addressing its judges as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Lordship’, saying they are comfortable with simply being called ‘sir’. The high court took the decision to dispense with the archaic address for its judges on Sunday in a full court meeting of all its judges from its two Benches in Jodhpur and Jaipur. 

“To honour the mandate of equality enshrined in the Constitution of India, the Full Court, in its meeting dated July 14, 2019, has unanimously resolved to request the counsel and those who appear before the court to desist from addressing Honourable judges as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Lordship’,” said a notification issued on Monday by the registrar general of the high court.

The notification requested lawyers and litigants to address judges simply as “sir” or “srimanji”. The resolution to abandon the practice of judges being addressed as ‘My Lord’ was passed in the first Full Court meeting chaired by new Chief Justice S Ravindra Bhatt. More than a decade ago, the SC too had ruled that addressing judges as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Lordship’ was not mandatory and that the judges could simply be addressed as ‘sir’ as a mark of respect to them. Following a lively debate between the Bench and the Bar over 15 years ago as to whether lawyers should abandon the colonial form of address like ‘My Lord’, judges had opined that they were comfortable with being called ‘sir’. As a culmination of this debate, the Bar Council of India had passed a resolution in April 2006, doing away with the practice of addressing judges as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Lordship’. 

The council had notified a new rule, calling upon lawyers to address judges in the SC and high courts as ‘Your Honour’ or ‘Hon’ble Court’ or plainly as ‘sir’. But it is for the first time that any HC has taken a decision and passed a resolution, advising lawyers to abandon the colonial and archaic practice of addressing higher courts’ judges as ‘My Lord’. — PTI

Taking the lead

Though the Supreme Court had ruled against the colonial practice around a decade ago, the Rajasthan HC is the first among High Courts to ask its lawyers to do so

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
No ‘My Lord’, ‘Your Lordship’ at Raj HC No ‘My Lord’, ‘Your Lordship’ at Raj HC Reviewed by Online News Services on July 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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