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Neetu Chandra in Mindy’s biopic?

They say some roles challenge you while others are designed for you. One such role which is almost designed for Neetu Chandra is of writer, director, and producer Mindy Kaling, whose biopic is underway for a well-known digital giant. Looking strikingly similar, Chandra has been screen-tested for the role. 

Talking about it, Neetu said, “Mindy is an inspiration, she has chosen a path that women find tough and aced it. It is my honour and pleasure to test for her role. I understand Tamil culture and have always wanted to play a character like this.”

Of Tamilian origin, Mindy has carved a niche for herself in the television industry with her immensely popular show The Office. 

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
Neetu Chandra in Mindy’s biopic? Neetu Chandra in Mindy’s biopic? Reviewed by Online News Services on September 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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