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Coronavirus LIVE: Shortage of hand sanitisers in Indian markets; masks become costlier

India so far has reported 29 confirmed cases of a novel coronavirus, following which the Union Health Ministry has issued an advisory to schools and societies. As Noida reported the closure of two schools amid the fear of coronavirus spread, school authorities in Delhi-NCR have been asked to remain alert of any possible signs and symptoms among students like coughing, fever or difficulty in breathing and immediately inform the parents to get them tested. It has also asked schools to place alcohol-based hand sanitiser at various spots and advised monitoring students staying in hostels.

from IndiaTV India: Google News Feed
via Today’s News Headlines
Coronavirus LIVE: Shortage of hand sanitisers in Indian markets; masks become costlier Coronavirus LIVE: Shortage of hand sanitisers in Indian markets; masks become costlier Reviewed by Online News Services on March 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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