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Coronavirus Pandemic: Global positive cases surpass 2.5 lakh; death toll nears 10,000

Coronavirus has taken a toll over the world and the global death toll is now nearing 10,000. The total number of COVID-19 positive cases reported so far from across the world has surpassed 2,40,000, with nearly 85,000 people who have recovered. Italy, as of now can be considered as the worst affected nation, as the death toll has surpassed that of China's. The United States, along with several other nations continue to battle coronavirus. In the US, the Army prepared mobile military hospitals for deployment in major cities. Medical centers around the United States set up drive-thru testing sites that drew long lines of motorists waiting for nurses to swab their nostrils.

from IndiaTV World: Google News Feed
via Today’s News Headlines
Coronavirus Pandemic: Global positive cases surpass 2.5 lakh; death toll nears 10,000 Coronavirus Pandemic: Global positive cases surpass 2.5 lakh; death toll nears 10,000 Reviewed by Online News Services on March 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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