Mumbai: Actor Dharmendra has apologised after trolling his wife and BJP MP Hema Malini over her "ineptness" in using a broom during Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at Parliament. Asked on Twitter whether she had used a broom earlier, he replied: "Yes, in films. Mujhe bhi anaari lag rahi thi (she looked novice to me too)… But I was very efficient (in childhood) at sweeping with brooms." Though his funny comment floored his fans, the actor on Tuesday apologised for his earlier tweet. ians
Chhattisgarh to deliver mid-day meal eggs at home
Raipur: If vegetarian parents do not want their children to be served eggs in mid-day meals at school, then authorities should arrange to provide it at home to students whose families have no objection to it, the Chhattisgarh government has directed. The move followed protests against eggs. The school education department in January this year suggested including eggs or milk or another food item with equivalent nutrition value in the mid-day meal twice a week. PTI
Priyanka Gandhi joins #SareeTwitter frenzy
New Delhi: AICC general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday posted a picture of her wedding to join the ongoing #SareeTwitter frenzy. The picture, captioned “Morning pooja on the day of my wedding 22 years ago”, confused Twitter users with many people wishing her a happy anniversary. She later clarified it was a throwback picture and the occasion was not her wedding anniversary. Her public comment to husband Robert Vadra — “you can still take me out for dinner” — invited mixed reactions from social media buffs with some advising her to do such spouse talk privately. TNS
Police case in Nagpur over loss of moustache
Nagpur: Loss of moustache has triggered a spat between a 35-year-old local resident and a barber here, with the former approaching police. The man alleged the barber shaved off his moustache without asking him and abused him after he berated him for the act. Police have registered a non-cognisable offence under IPC Section 507 (criminal intimidation). PTI
from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
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