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Steady rise in crime against children

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 22

There has been a steady increase in crime against children in the country, says the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) report released yesterday. Even more distressing is the fact that five southern states are prominently placed in this regard, it says.

The data, released after a gap of two years, reveals that the number of crime cases against children under the IPC and special and local laws (SLL) went up across India from 94,172 in 2015 to 1,06,958 in 2016, and 1,29,032 in 2017. The overall rate of crime against children in the country in 2017 was 28.9 per one lakh children, as compared to 24 in 2016.

NCRB officials, however, viewed the rising trend in such cases as an effect of enhanced awareness due to which more number of people have started reporting about such cases.

Though Madhya Pradesh and UP shared the top slot with 14.8 per cent such cases each, among the southern states Karnataka had been reporting a higher number of crimes against children since 2015—a trend that held true in 2017 too. Going up from 3,961 in 2015 to 4,455 in 2016, the state registered 5,890 cases of crime against minors in 2017.

In Andhra Pradesh, from 1,992 cases registered in 2015, the number rose to 2,397 in 2017. For Kerala, with 3,562 cases in 2017, the hike from 2016 was by 683. Telangana and Tamil Nadu reported 3,580 and 3,529 cases of crime against children under various local laws and IPC.

Delhi had the highest number of POCSO cases among Indian metros at 1,521, followed by Mumbai, Pune and Bengaluru, respectively.

In 93.6 per cent cases of aggravated penetrative sexual assault on children, the perpetrator was known to the victim. The most common perpetrators were family members, friends, neighbours and acquaintances.

from The Tribune
via Today’s News Headlines
Steady rise in crime against children Steady rise in crime against children Reviewed by Online News Services on October 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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