CPM releases manifesto

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Enact data privacy laws that protect the people against appropriation/misuse of users private data for commercial use. Sitaram Yechury, CPM general secretary.

Digital rights Recognising digital infrastructure as public infrastructure and stopping mass surveillance by state agencies under Section 69 of the IT Act. 

For farmers An alternative policy platform for protection of secular principles and democratic rights and enforcement of farmers’ right to sell produce at MSP

Minimum wage Statutory minimum wage of not less than Rs 18,000/month, universal PDS with 35 kg of grain/ family & old age pension

Senior citizens Universal, non-contributory old age pension with a monthly pension not less than 50% of minimum wage or Rs 6,000/pm  

Transgender rights Passing the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014, to uphold the rights of all transgenders and removing lacunae in the current Bill

NO Aadhaar Scrapping Aadhaar & biometrics for social welfare measures, repeal/amend National Security Act, Section 499 of IPC and AFSPA. TNS

from The Tribune https://ift.tt/2HZEIQS
via Today’s News Headlines
CPM releases manifesto CPM releases manifesto Reviewed by Online News Services on March 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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